Bayer Reports Says Disc-Use Polycarbonate Demand to Double in Five Years

Recently-released data from Bayer indicates that demand for polycarbonate (PC) resin for use in optical disc applications will more than double in the five-year period starting 2000 to almost 700,000 tonnes in 2005. The company estimates global optical grade PC demand was around 322,000 tonnes in 2000.

Much future growth will be attributed to increases in DVD and CD-RW production, according to Bayer. Last year, DVDs only accounted for 4% of optical media production, or 900 million discs, while CD-RW share was 21%.(or 4.4 billion discs). Approximately 75% of 2000 disc production (21 billion discs) was either audio CDs or CD-ROMs.

In 2005, however, DVD's share will grow to 23%, and CD-RW's to 37%. The share of audio CDs are CD-ROMs, meanwhile is forecast to fall to 40% in 2005.